What are the latest developments in solar PV panel technology?
Here are some of the latest developments in solar panel technology: Perovskite solar cells are a type of solar cell that uses a perovskite-structured compound as the light-harvesting material. Perovskite solar cells have shown significant improvements in efficiency and are relatively easy and low-cost to produce compared to traditional silicon solar cells 2. Bifacial solar panels: Bifacial solar panels have a double-sided design that allows them to absorb light and generate electricity from both sides. This can increase their energy output by up to 25% compared to traditional solar

How does Heat Pump Work?
Solar Power — How does a Heat Pump work? Facebook-f Youtube The engineering that makes solar possible What is a Heat Pump? Showcasing 5 Projects Heat Pump is a reverse refrigeration technology which extracts heat from the surrounding air and transfers it to the water circulating in its pipe. This hot water is stored in a hot water storage tank for later consumption How Does It Work? Heat Extraction: A fan circulates air through the evaporator air coil that acts as a heat collector. The liquid refrigerant in the evaporator

“What is solar fencing?”
“What is solar fencing?” A Quick Guide What is Solar fencing? Security has become a major concern in today’s time and ensuring the safety of one’s property, crops, factories, and residential areas like villa and apartments, etc. Solar fencing is a modernised and unconventional method which is one of the best options of providing security as it is both effective as well as efficient. Not only does solar fencing guarantee the safety of one’s property, but it also uses renewable solar energy for its functioning. A solar fence works like

A tale of two lines
A tale of two lines In climate activism, there are two schools of thought: One wants to stop everyone in their tracks so as to stop any form of CO2 emissions. They profess for consuming in smaller quantities – buy lesser number of goods, travel in smaller cars, living in smaller houses, etc. After all, we live in a finite world having finite raw materials. While this strategy will certainly help in reducing CO2 emissions, it might not take us all the way to achieve the less than 1.5 C

“Does solar panel work on a cloudy day?”
Solar Fundas “Does solar panel work on a cloudy day?” Solar panels do generate electricity on cloudy days– they just do not perform as well as they would on a bright sunny day. Though estimates range, solar panels will generate about 20-40% of their normal power output on a cloudy day. Real life example: Here is the Actual electricity generated data from 3kw rooftop solar system which we had installed. Conclusion There is a strong correlation between hours of clear sky and electricity generated. You can see that in

Raising the Net Metering cap from 10 KWp to 500 KWp – a welcome move
The central Ministry of Power finally yielded to the pressure from the solar industry participants & has decided to amend the “draconian” measure of capping the Net Metering system of 10 KWp. The amendment will raise the cap to 500 KWp. The request for comments closed on 30th April & the change will come into effect after the paperwork formalities are completed. This is a significant victory that has been achieved thanks to rooftop solar industry associations and industry media houses publicizing the preposterous nature of the 10 KWp

Successfully installed 33 500 LPD water heater at Satwi Thavil
Successfully installed 33 500 LPD water heater at Satwi Thavil A Quick Guide Installation Success! IBEX Solar have installed 33 500 LPD water heaters at Satwi Thavil apartment near Marthahalli, Bangalore.This installation will cater to all the hot water requirements of all the residents.